How To Order

Dear customers, please follow this step:

Fill up order form at the top menu of the blog or email us at or PM us at FB page adamHabib Online Store. Please provide us your correct email, contact number and complete address. Also, please specified your order with item code(s).

After submit your order, PLEASE WAIT for our confirmation. We will send invoice to your email within 24 hours. If you still didn't get invoice after 24 hours, please check your spambox / junkbox.

After you received the invoice, kindly transfer or bank in the amount (provided in invoice) to our accounts within 24 hours. We accept CIMBclicks, Maybank2u or ATM/CDM Transfer.

Please take note, to avoid fraud, your payment transaction slip or auto-generated email from bank is COMPULSORY. Please fill in the recipient email : when you make your online payment or for those who transfer / bank in via Cash Deposit (ATM), please snap a picture of receipt / scan receipt and attach to email (invoice sent to you). Without this details, your order will NOT BE PROCESSED. We do not accept reference number as we can't track your payment by this only detail.

Item(s) will be mailed out after 1 (one) working day once payment has been received. We will send Track Number & Posting Date through email. Your item will be delivered to you within 7 (seven) working days.

Postage Charge

Peninsular Malaysia - RM 6 for first 500g and RM 3 for next 250g.
Sabah / Sarawak - RM 9 for first 500g and RM 4 for next 250g.

**The main delivery by Pos Laju Malaysia.